I haven’t blogged since my last Thursday Thanks Tank. It has been a busy week. I think we may have several busy weeks in the coming weeks!
This Thursday I am thankful for the following:
1. Motivation: I have been surprisingly motivated to clean lately. I am cleaning, organizing and getting rid of unneeded items. My husband suggested I was nesting but I have never nested like this! I told him it is because we are moving and I don’t want to move our junk with us. It is probably some of both but I am thankful to have the energy to do all I am doing.
2. Army Life: I am thankful for the last 10 years (minus a couple months) of Army life. We have been blessed tremendously by our experiences, the people we have met along the way, and the awesome growth and challenges in Seth’s career. Seth is “clearing” this week, going on “terminal leave”, and will be putting on his uniform for one of the last times tomorrow.
3. My Marriage: In a few days, we will celebrate our 12th anniversary. I am thankful for my husband and for the constant support and love he shows me. I am thankful for our commitment to each other.
4. Good Sleep: In comparison to the last items, this seems like a small thing. I am so thankful for last night’s good sleep.
5. Praying with my husband: We are being challenged by the transitions in our lives and the unexpected events (i.e., a broken arm). This morning after just a few sips of coffee I prayed with my husband. There is no better way to start the day—it has filled my heart with joy (so much better that what I usually long for – solitude to wake up or a big breakfast).
6. Friends: I am constantly blessed by friends. I think I will have to start a few posts about how my WA friends have blessed me. For now, for today, I am thankful for the encouragement, prayer, and even babysitting my friends are giving me this week.
7. Thanks Tank Thursdays: I am thankful that I ran across this posting on the With Out Fear blog. It is amazing how it has reminded me to be extremely thankful. I spend much of my Thursday feeling thankful. It encourages me to feel thankful other days, too. This exercise continues to put my heart in the place to recognize blessings. You should do the same! Whether on a blog or in a journal- it really helps to write thankful thoughts down.
Your list blessed me, too. So glad you've jumped on board. It is so encouraging to discover other kindred spirits in this big, blogitty world.
Praying for y'all as you transition with Seth's new job and leaving the Army.
Jane Anne!
I am just reading your last few blogs! Wow! I didn't know you had decided to move, but it sounds like a great fit for all of you. And Jonathan's arm...shessh! Our boys have sure been playing hard these last couple of weeks, haven't they?
I will sure miss seeing you, but I am thankful for the technology that will allow us to keep up-to-date with our families!
Oh, and I do have to say that I now understand your disappointment with no Cracker Barrels! I went for the first time this summer in Florida and it was fabulous!! I think they MIGHT have them in Eastern Oregon. We just road-tripped it to Colorado and I was surprised by how many I saw along the drive there, although I'm not exactly sure which states I saw them in.
Jane Anne,
I just looked up the Cracker Barrel website to see if they have locations in Oregon for you. Unfortunately, it says that they do not have any in Oregon. Here is the link:
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