Friday, June 14, 2013

Going for the Great

In March, I ran my first 5k: The Reno Leprechaun Chase. It was exhilarating. I ran well- or better than I expected.

Something's happening to me and I can't explain how it's happening- even to myself. I'm really enjoying running.
When I don't get a run in, I feel sad.
I find myself searching for local races by month.
I am not sure where this running journey is going to take me. I just know, I can't stop.
I'm loving it.
I enjoy running.

In May, I ran my 2nd 5k: The Reno Moms on the Run race. It was awesome. The race was on Mother's Day. My family came to the race to cheer me on. I had a slower time. Still- I raced and I loved it.

My husband dyed shirts pink and the kids told him what they wanted to write on them. Sweetest thing ever!

Shortly after that race, my oldest son asked if he could run a race.

We've been running together in the evenings. It's incredible. The time together after our runs is especially sweet. After a few weeks of running, his desire to run is strong. It's exciting to see. I couldn't run with him last night because I had a date with my husband. My son ran on his own during the day.

He runs his first race on Sunday. It's our first race together. I am excited for this run because my times during training are getting faster. I am excited for my son. I look forward catching up with him at the finish line.


  1. I know just what you mean about coming to enjoy running! I started running about two years ago, took an unplanned break (summer happened, it got hot, and I stayed indoors...). I started running again last fall and I love it more than ever now. I sort of see this time of year (as the heat and humidity increase) as my "weak spot" - but I'm determined not to let it stop me this year!
    My daughter and I are hoping to do a fun run soon - it was originally scheduled for Thurs evening, but was cancelled due to severe storms. I would love for my kids to start running! I'm excited for your run with your son this weekend, too!

  2. This is great! And inspiring!! How fun to be able to run with your oldest.
