I recently read and have the book, “It’s all Too Much” by Peter Walsh. This book has revolutionized how I think about the things I own. It is such a good book! I have been re-reading portions of it over the last couple of weeks. For so long, I have been weighed down by being overwhelmed with my stuff. I felt as if my house was in such a state that I couldn’t relax. I tried organizing and re-organizing but no system ever seemed to help. This book gave me a new perspective. It is much easier to clean and manage a house, when you have less. It is amazing how much stuff I have accumulated that I don’t need or use. Some of these items are things that I really like. What I have found is that I am much happier with less. I am freer to enjoy what I own when I have fewer things. My goals are clearer and my life is simpler.
Both Seth and I grew up in families that collect stuff for various reasons. It might be that the items were gifts. Some of the things were great deals. Also, you never know when you might need something. Everything is bought with good intentions. There are so many “reasons” to accumulate. I am breaking free from the bondage of clutter! The bondage was in my mind. The clearing the clutter will be a continual, life long process.
If you get a chance, read this book! It is a great read. Peter Walsh was challenging and motivating without being condescending.