Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Military Ball

Military Ball on January 25th at McChord AFB.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Time Away

This past weekend, I got away for a night with some girls. There was a MOPS planning retreat on Saturday so a few of us had a slumber party on Friday night. I left my house around 7:30 p.m. on Friday and returned home about 4:30 p.m. on Saturday night. Seth had a great time with the boys. They put up a tent in the living room and 'camped in.' I had a wonderful time with the girls. I enjoyed lots of adult conversation, no wrestling or loud children. I got home in time for dinner. (The dinner was cooked, the dishes were mostly done, and I was spoiled.) I also got home during the late afternoon chaotic time for the boys. They were loud, full of afternoon energy, and quite a bit demanding.

Jane Anne: "Wow, it is hard to transition back into this house of craziness after being away for a night."
Seth: "Yea...you should try it after a year away."
Jane Anne: "OKAY! Just tell me when!!"

[Much, much laughter]

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It happened again

It happened again. I shared one of my worst fears about David's peanut allergy and I got a death story in response. Sharing some kind of terrible story isn't helpful. If someone ever tells you that something frightens them, don't share something to back up their fears. It is ridiculous!
Here's the gist of the conversation. I ended up talking to an acquaintance the other night about David having a peanut allergy. This friend was not aware that he had the allergy and she began to share that a child in her child's preschool was allergic to nuts. I told her that sending him to school scares me because it is a difficult environment to protect him in. She said, oh, well you know a kid died a couple of years ago in Seattle on a field trip. What? He was on the bus with the kids and when they were to have lunch he was given a peanut butter cookie. He died right there on the bus.
Wow- now that's absolutely devastating to hear about... especially when I am already trying to imagine how I will handle all sorts of situations when David gets older...AND especially when I just expressed that his allergy frightens me.

I am not controlled by my fear of not being able to protect David. I am annoyed by people who respond to my fear with a worst case scenario.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Holidays Highlights

The holidays are over and we are on to a new year. I cannot hardly believe it is 2007. The last 3 months of 2006 sure went a lot faster than the rest of the year!! Our holidays were wonderful. It was a joy to be together as a family. We soaked in every moment of family time. Last Christmas wasn't far from my mind and it made everything even sweeter. Christmas 2005 wasn't bad but it wasn't complete. With Seth home from Iraq, our family traditions were whole again. I could go on and on but I would just get cheesier and cheesier. Some highlights of the season: *) A week or so before Christmas, we went up to a mountain and played in the snow. *) We made our Gingerbread House on Christmas Eve and then ate it off an on Christmas day *) Seth and I fondued on Christmas Eve after the kids were in bed. *) The boys decided a few days before Christmas that Jesus was having a "paper airplane birthday" and they made piles of paper airplanes to fly on Christmas *)Throughout the days leading up to Christmas, Thomas was constantly sneaking a small present taking it off to a corner and trying to open it. (I had to really watch him! It as adorable) *)Christmas day the boys were so excited about all of the new stuff that they shared everything without fighting (it only lasted that day but it was really, really nice) *) I had someone over the age of 5 to kiss on New Year's Eve

These are just a few holiday highlights. I am out of time for the moment.
Here's a picture of the family on New Year's Day (The morning after staying up until midnight - all of us except Thomas.)